Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Baby Steps

While I do like to save a few bucks when possible, I would certainly not consider myself a hard-core couponer or anything like that.  Casual deal-seeker.  We'll go with that.  :-)

A couple of the places I check regularly for deals (of any kind) are and  Both are great sources for a variety of deals including in-store and online ones.  I've scored some great bargains for grocery items, FREE items, coupons, promo codes, etc.  If you're looking for a place to get started, put these two sites on your radar for things to watch.  Both are very popular, and sometimes the deals don't last long, but often they're worth the check.

If you're a parent, you should keep an eye on Baby Cheapskate.  The blog features new items almost daily, and has saved us a lot. They'll keep you in the loop about promotions, Buy-1-get-1 deals, and all things baby/kid related.  If you follow them on Facebook, you get the benefit of other moms posting the great deals that they find, too. 

For general household/gift shopping, a site I like to look at periodically is  They sell overstock and returned items (often that have never been opened).   I tend to do a lot of my holiday shopping here, since I can get an awesome item for a fraction of what I'd pay for it at retail price.  We've purchased strollers, carseats, toys, and a handful of items from them.  Sign up and they'll send you periodic emails with additional percentages off. 

Those are a few of the biggies that I keep track of.  Baby Steps...  I am still learning about new blogs/websites/etc that are great for this kind of thing.  Got any that you love?  Feel free to share. 

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