Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Few Tips for Birthday Shopping on the CHEAP!

My kids have birthdays within a week of each other, and I don't like to have the expense of buying 2 kids worth of birthday presents PLUS have the expense of a *great* party all at the same time, so I try to spread out my shopping over the year. 

Here are some of the deals I've found so far this year!

For the Queen Bee...

Barbie Squinkie 3 in 1 Playset... Regular price $45, Got on a clearance deal from Wal-Mart for $15 (with Free Site-to-Store Shipping).  Got this back in the first part of February. 

This cute Magna Pearls and Jewels 12" bike.... Found this over on for $15.99 way WAY back in August 2012, but just kept it for summer.  I just checked and found this same bike selling for $128 over at Sears now.  Seems like a pretty sweet deal to me! 

My girl loves tiny little toys that "do stuff".  These spring open with magnets, and are really small and portable to take on car rides and the like.  We'd received a couple bigger ones in happy meals that she loved, and these were right up her alley.  I picked up FOUR double packages at Walgreens right after Christmas for $2 per DOUBLE pack.  That's $1 per package...  These sell from $6.50 to $10 for ONE pack.  I ended up with a couple doubles, but these will make great gifts for the gift closet, too.

Moral of the story...  Buy big ticket items if and when they're marked down!     Bikes for example will be marked way down at the end of summer, and you're likely to find some great deals after the holidays.  I normally spend around $50 on birthday gifts.  By paying close attention to sales, and being flexible about when I purchase gifts (and then storing them for a few months...) I've been able to get over $200 of stuff for less than $50.  I like spreading the expense around anyway, and then to grab great deals is even better. 

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