Thursday, April 11, 2013

*HOT* $40 off $40 purchase at Express

Promo code 2020 gets you $40 off a $40 purchase at Express.  You have to pay shipping... but still a smokin' deal. 

I just placed my order... and my total was less than $40, and it took the ENTIRE AMOUNT off, just had to pay $8 in shipping.

Here's what I got:

Men's Hoodie, Originally $69.90.  On sale for $29.99.  Minus an addition 30%...  $20.99 total.

Cute clutch.  Originally $34.90.  On sale for $14.99.  Minus an additional 30%...  $10.49 total.

Cute black hoop earrings.  Originally $16.90.  On sale for $7.99.  Minus an additional 30%...  $5.59 total.

That's well over $100 (retail) of goodies for $8 shipped!

Oh happy day!!

Now GO!! 

**Update... Various sources are now saying that either the code is invalid, or expired, or for VIP members... I am uncertain of what is actually true--but I will be following up.  I still haven't received an email confirming my order, although I did receive an order number.  I'll follow up a bit later maybe, although reports from these kinds of things in the past suggest that I may be just out of luck.  Let me know what you find out.

***Update 2.0:  Order Cancelled...  D'oh!  Can't say I'm not surprised, but still.  Bummer! 


  1. I tried that code and it did not give me a discount :(

    1. Yeah... See updated post. Not sure what's going on, but survey says that it may be a bogus code (but one that still let me check out using it...?) Sorry for any false hopes.
