Wednesday, April 3, 2013

High End Shopping for Less: Review

I love pretty things.... and I love to shop.  Thus--I love shopping on .

Gilt is one of those websites with gorgeous offerings of high end fancy things.  It's great for holiday shopping, or for that special gift--or that's what I use it for primarily.   I've purchased baby shower gifts, diaper bags, shoes for both kiddos, toys, candles, decorative items, and other fun goodies at a fraction of retail cost. 

Here are a couple cute/fun things I noticed today while perusing the offerings... 

This cute blanket can be found here and retails for $85... Gilt's price is $24.  Would make a great "special" unique baby gift when you don't want your present to be just like everyone else's. 

Or for a practical gift that's from a great brand...  Try this bouncer out.  My kids loved these, and this one is especially pleasing to grown ups since it isn't printed with garish cartoon characters...  Or maybe I'm the only parent now wowed by that kind of thing...? 

At any rate, they have some fab stuff.  You'll need a referral to join, unless you want to be on the waitlist... so click here for my referral link, and consider yourself invited!  :-)


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